Honoring Nenita Santorum

Video Messages for Nanay’s 80th Birthday

February 2014


This video is a collage of birthday greetings from family members of Nenita Santorum (My husband’s grandmother who we call Nanay) that was shown during her 80th birthday celebration. We shot the video on two separate days in different locations. We used a four light setup with two in the front to evenly light the talent and two behind them to light the background. Our main shot was taken straight on and we used a second camera to get a side angle.

To help participants prepare for their interviews, I designed worksheets for them to use and reference during their shoot. We listed the following message at the bottom:

”Jotting down some notes will not only help your memory, but ensure the production crew that you have prepared for your interview. Remember, since a professional crew will be present and there are a lot of people to record we must use our time very wisely.”


I also created a slideshow that played during the party.
