MARchived: Media Archiving Business Plan

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  • Restoring Archival Assets

    • Digitizing Photo and Video

    • Photo Restoration

    • Video Editing

  • Producing New Materials

    • Filming or Recording Interviews

    • Producing documentary style videos

    • Shooting Portraits


+ 90 Second Investor Pitch

Written in 2013

MARchived encourages the preservation of family history through artistic photo and video production. We specialize in photo restoration, video conversion, and documentary work. Our custom illustrations and animations will ensure that your product is one-of-a-kind.

A key feature of our package is the privacy contract. We firmly believe that our products are by the family and for the family. They will not be sold outside the family or for any other commercial work, other than approved use to promote our business through demo reels and such. Our target market is the middle age generation and senior citizens who either don’t have the time to produce these products or simply don’t have the knowledge to do so. We aim to make our services affordable for the “middle-class” and “low-income” families.

In order to begin operations, MARchived will need an investment of $30,000. These funds will be delegated between payroll, promotional campaigns, supplies, and production equipment.

Helping MARchived start up is the first step towards building your family archive. How will you leave your mark?

Thank you for taking the time to listen to this presentation and I will be more than happy to answer any questions you may have.

Business Plan

The following is the deck I presented in my class: