Flag Football Highlight Reels

Introduction to Flag Football

I started playing sand flag football with my husband when we first started dating in 2010. I liked the idea of playing sports in general, but only played on actual teams in grade school briefly. I was on the track team in 8th grade and the tennis team in 9th grade. Joe played on a team called Dynasty with his friends and they were going to have to forfeit the first game I came to watch. As we walked up Joe asked me to put on a Dynasty jersey and I started panicking. I was like “what? I don’t know how to play!” Sure I liked throwing the ball around, but I wasn’t about to make a fool of myself on the field. I finally understood when his teammate Leslie Enriquez explained that I just needed to put the jersey on to show that they had the minimum amount of players needed and so the other team, who also had late players, would have to forfeit instead. All that anxiety for no reason lol. Not long after, I started subbing in on games when I was in town from college. I started playing more often when I came home for the summers and eventually started playing in coed recreation leagues at school.


Highlight Reels

We had started to work on demo reels in school and I learned how to make DVDs with the menu screens and everything. Joe and my siblings bought me a video camera for my birthday so I ended up recording a few videos of the Dynasty games. I ended up making a highlight reel for the team and burned it on a DVD. Joe’s car had a screen we could watch DVDs and that’s how we showed it to some of the players lol. Surprisingly I don’t have a copy of it online, but I will eventually. I just need to find the disc and rip it. Here are a few highlight reels I’ve created since then for the different teams we’ve played with.

The Hustlers

2015 - 2018 Coed Sand League

The Neptunes

2016 Coed Sand League

Granny Panties

2015 Women’s Sand League

The Replacements

2014 Women’s Indoor League

Blue Crush

2013 Coed Sand League