Thanks fr th MMRS


Tonight I realized that I will forever be in the business of making memories. I want to bring people the same joy I experience when I look back on my favorite memories. I want to give people a chance to have high quality renderings of those memories along with their implicitly vintage scent.

Because it’s in those times, when you’re reflecting on those moments and memories, that you like your time on this earth has been worthwhile. You feel purpose and warmth all over your spirit and doesn’t matter if you don’t have a second longer on this earth because your time was well spent up this far.

Ok, that got to a potentially steep slope, but there’s my stream of consciousness for you lol! Just know that it was all said in a place of happiness, gratitude and satisfaction. Not like a low-key emo vibe lol. Though given the title of this blog I see why one might think that.

I’ll revisit this blog and come full circle with how this thought determines my future later. For now, posted.