Traditional Hand-Drawn Animation

Traditional Hand-drawn Animation

In the long run, traditional hand-drawn animation did not turn out to be my forte. However, learning the science and process behind it was essential to my growth in the world of animation not mention that I grew a vast amount of respect for animators thereafter.

When I refer to traditional hand-drawn animation I’m referring to the process of drawing a sequence of movements frame by frame. Movements can become exaggerated between frames as you want to increase the speed of motion. Think about a flip book and how flipping through a set of drawings using the corner of a book can start to make a figure move. It is a very precise and tedious process to learn the science of this, but with enough practice I’m sure many of these actions and sequences are committed to an artist’s muscle memory.

Here are some of my early practice pieces.

Character Walk Cycles

Study of Transformation

Our professor introduced us to the charcoal animation work of William Kentridge which I was very inspired by since I too had an affinity for the medium.

Storyboard for One the Run Charcoal Animation

Storyboard for One the Run Charcoal Animation